Saturday, September 22, 2007

Rapunzel, Don't You Dare Let Down Your Hair!

What would you do if a very nice elderly lady commented on how lovely and beautiful each of your children are?

Why, you'd graciously say how kind she was of course.

Then what would you do if she asked how old your oldest is and then watch her gasp in surprise when you tell her she's eleven but will be turning twelve in a month?

You wouldn't do anything but you'd be thinking "Why all the fuss?"

Then what would you do when she answers your unasked question by telling you, "Well I know for a fact that ______ (subject will remain anonymous), my grandson, is smitten by her."

Inside your stomach will give a lurch, while outwardly your composure remains splendidly calm as you reply, "Really? That's interesting. It's a good thing Eve's not into boys just yet!"

Let the worry begin. Said grandson was just ordained to be a priest last week. How many sixteen-year-olds do you know have a crush on an eleven year old, not to mention, let slip they have a crush on an eleven year old? Maybe Grandma was just saying that to be nice. But just to be sure I'm going to lock Eve I mean Rapunzel up in her tower for the next ten years. As Joseph so bluntly pointed out - said boy is probably not the only one.


andalucy said...

haha! Well, you can't blame the guy. That Eve is obviously something special!

And I don't know that it's so strange for an older boy to notice a young girl. When I was about that age a boy who lived down the street told his father (?!) who told my mother, that he planned on marrying me when we grew up! I think he mainly liked me because we were on the bus together and I laughed very hard at his jokes.

athena said...

deja vu! :)

Ice Cream said...

AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH don't tell me things like this. I have been worrying about the upcoming "Boy phase" since my oldest was 6. I was so easy for my mom in that area. I just thought boys were the dumbest animal on earth (still do to an extent). I pray every day that my girls will be the same way.... but what if.... AAAAAAHHHHHHH

Good luck.

zippy said...

Ah well, your Rapunzel is a beauty so, isn't only natural that others take notice of her? As she's not even twelve, she probably hasn't begun to notice boys yet so I think you'll be okay for a while. AND, she's an intelligent girl, born of goodly parents who have taught her well so...she will make good choices when it does come time for her to notice boys, in ten years once she's let out of her tower of course. : )

Jennifer @ Fruit of My Hands said...

Well, if it's who it sounds like from this post, he's a very nice boy from a very nice family!

When I was about 15, there was a missionary serving in our ward who obviously liked me. We had a visiting general authority for stake conference and apparently the GA noticed it. I overheard him tell the missionary that if he so much as looked in my direction, he would be transferred to Siberia within a week. :D

I hope no one notices my daughter until after she graduates from college.

An Ordinary Mom said...

Scary, scary thought ... I don't know if I am ready for this stage yet!

Vanessa and Rebecca said...

Athena... bwahahahahaha!!!! Still laughing. very. very. hard. bwahahahaha!!!!! good for the goose.... bwahahaha. I remember a certain story about a certain locker room event.... bwahahaha.

ok I'm in control now. My original comment was going to be "no comment." :-D

Julie Lybbert said...

Nope. I wouldn't be surprised either. She's GORGEOUS. So are all the other little ones in your line. Joseph will have to have his baseball bat (or other chosen weapon) on the ready - LOL. :-)

athena said...

so what's this about a certain locker room event? :)

Lisa said...

I so love that Emily is not into boys, yet. And she is 14. That thought makes my stomach turn.

Anonymous said...

That was hilarous!!!:)

Anonymous said...

Just Kidding!!!:)