Monday, July 09, 2007

This, That and the Other

I've taken a break from blogging for several days to get my house in order. I had to rearrange school books on my shelves to fit new ones that have come. I've slowly been decluttering each room in the house. I can't believe how much JUNK we accumulate.

Our air conditioner also went kaput on July 4th, just in time for the record breaking temperatures we've been having. It's hotter than
hades around here! We have to install a whole new system including the furnace. Joseph spent all day Thursday trying to put in a swamp cooler so at least we can be semi-cool in part of the house. The problem he was having were our windows. Every single one is too narrow. He finally had to take one out and then rip the molding around it out too so the cooler just fits. While he was measuring the windows Debbie asked, "How come your inching the window, Dad?"
It was very cute.

We've also been trying to deal with a small infestation of windscorpions in the downstairs rooms.
We've found four but believe me when I say one is too many. They aren't poisonous but they sure are gross looking.

Second crop is officially underway in a big way. Joseph got up at 2:00 am this morning and baled fifteen hours straight - one pivot in alfalfa hay and the rest in wheat hay. Darren and Jacob also baled when their balers were working. Benjamin, Ammon and Sylvia raked last night and then Nathan and his boys, Jared and Jesse, took a shift and raked early this morning. Those that were available helped haul the hay in the afternoon. They didn't quit working until about 8:00 pm. That's one long day. Tomorrow starts bright and early at 3:00am. Who wants to be a farmer?


Jennifer @ Fruit of My Hands said...

Yikes, the bugs are nasty.

We don't have a/c, but we couldn't run our swamp cooler this weekend, b/c it just filled the house with smoke from the fires. At least today was a little cooler (& less smoky!)

Sounds like you have a lot on your plate.

Julie Lybbert said...

Sounds busy! My in-laws will probably be putting up some hay pretty soon as well. (On a MUCH, MUCH smaller scale, of course!) :-)

NASTY BUGS!!!! I'm grateful we don't have any quite like that around here.

Mrs. O said...

The heat I could do, the bugs I could not. Thank goodness they're not the stinging, poisonous variety.

I think I am tired just reading about all the work going on at your place.

wild murdocks said...

You know how we love bugs at our house, not necessarily living amongst us though.

I love reading about your farm. It's nice to not have to do the hard work--just read about it and imagine the "idealized" farm life.

andalucy said...

too bad about the a/c! it's awful, isn't it?

*Merry Girls* said...

Oh that is just too bad about your A/C. The scorpions yikes, hope they high tail it on out of there. Atleast those long days don't last too long. I hope. Best wishes!